Mallory is not my favourite circuit, but with the 2nd place battle set up with Steve i was looking forward to it!! I didnt qualify great but Steve had a problem meaning he was starting well behind me. I got past Dave after a couple of laps, but could see him and steve close behind, steve got past Dave and i could see him looming in my mirrors, i missed a gear at the hairpin, and steve nudged into the back of me, no problem only a kiss and we accelerated out of the corner, next thing i know there is a car on my roof, which then drives down my bonnet and bits of cars are everywhere. I end up sitting in the car on the side of the track looking around wondering what the hell has happened, Steve is impaled in the armco, and Dave (who was the car on my roof) was no where to be seen.

Luckily no one was hurt, Dave was parked on the apex of the Devils elbow (nice!) with the front car of his car missing, not upside down in the lake like i imagined, Steve was fine, unlike his badly bent car, and my dive for freedom (and roll cage) had saved my head (and life). It looked unlikely that any of us would make it out for the 2nd race, upon further inspection, Steve and Daves weren't going anywhere soon, but my car had only had its airbox and injectors pulled off and the body work destroyed (again). Luckily i actually had my old bonnet with me, so a bit of gaffer tape, tie wraps, and a big straightening bar meant i could get out for the 2nd race. I only needed to get 1 point to get 2nd in class overall, so infact only needed to line up on the grid, but stayed out there and got a rather poorly driven 3rd in class. To be fair my head wasn't up for the race at all, the accident had shaken me up, and my hatred for Mallory only confirmed.
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