Wednesday, 23 December 2009
I'm out!
Anyway, its 10am wednesday morning and i'm standing in the car park waiting to be picked up but am 2nd in line after the xmas food from marks and spencers, hence this endless wittering! I feel better than i have since friday, and fairly comfortable, and just have to watch what poitions i stretch to as that can hurt. I'm keeping myself drugged up for a couple of weeks and hope to be back to full service in the new year. A bonus is i am not on antibiotics so can have a bit of xmas spirit!
Sent from my Blackberry
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Weight reduction plan completed!
Considering everything i don't feel too bad, although it does feel like i've been kicked in the stomach by the entire premiership league and my nuts feel like they have had bags of sand hanging off them for a few hours. Hopefully this is due to the operation and not the nut job finding his way back into my room last night while i was heavily sedated!
The drugs are giving me the weirdest and most vivid dreams. As i was coming round for the first time i dreamt i was a pissed santa claus holding a bottle in a brown paper bag and falling into load of kids, and it looked like it was set in a late 80's american family film! I've also dressed Nigel Mansel in tin cans.
As long as everything stay ok i'll be going home this evening, so i'd better hurry up and get my head back down and see who else i can meet in my drug fest sleep!
Oh and i opologise for the spelling and grammer, not my strongest point at the best of times, but doing this on my blackberry with a warped mind are definetly affecting it ;-)
Sent from my Blackberry
Monday, 21 December 2009
All Plans scuppered for xmas!!
A&E was surprisingly pleasant, and within an hour and a half i was back on the same ward and same bed as 6 weeks ago. There is only one thing worse than pain, and thats the boredom of hospitals or maybe reading my blog??? So here i am 3 days later, still have my appendix and trying to chew my way out of the hospital walls! I've been x-rayed, prodded, scanned and had severaal fingers up my bottom and have finally been told its coming out at 10pm tonight, only to be told later it might not come out! So i guess i may be enjoying the pleasures of morphine tonight, or could just as easily be still chewing the walls!
One thing that will hopefully be different tonight is the unwanted bed activity on my ward! Last night i was moved to another room with just 2 beds in it (and private bathroom), great i thought, until i clapped eyes on the nut job i was sharing with! A bloke in his 70's with mad hair, and obviously not of the best mental health. He spoke some shit to me, but i just put my head phones on and he shut up. At about 11pm he decided to get out of bed for a wander, but then tried to get into bed with me! I directed him where to go and i hoped that would be the end of it. 10 mins later he stripped off completely and tried to get into bed with me again! I told him where his bed was. A few minutes later i see him crawling round the room on all 4's still starkers, after a few minutes of this he tried to get into my bed again! I had enough this time and bleeped the nurses, they all found it highly amusing, but got him dressed and back into bed. He did try again to get in the bed, but this time was fully clothed but did managed to get his arse onto the bed before i pushed him off! Then to top it off i heard him piss the bed at about 5am, and prayed he didn't try and make another move, lucky he didn't and has now been put in a room on his own!
So roll on tomorrow, hopefully the little sod will be out and i will be home before xmas!
Sent from my Blackberry
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Chassis Rebuild
Monday, 14 December 2009
Nice rear end!

Monday, 7 December 2009
The Work Begins

Its bigger than I imagined!!!
A BIG job!!!
End of 2009
Now the work begins!!!!
- Front end rebuild - Andys brilliantly paddock braised up front end really has to be replaced!
- New body work - the last 2 or 3 races saw plenty of panel damage, and i'm sure there is more filler and patches than actual body work
- Replace all fluids
- New tyres
- Full geo
- New harnesses
- Full strip down of all suspension and replace all worn parts
- New plugs and general engine maintenance
- New under tray and stronger flat rear tray
- Evaluate springs/dampers - may replace